888poker highlights increase in women playing poker

According to research carried out on 1,000 respondents across the UK, more women are playing poker than ever before.

While poker is stereotypically considered a male game, the research from 888poker shows a 22% increase in female players across the UK in the last year, and a 23% rise over the last five years. Within the past year, new player buy-in from men has been 14% lower than women, and 22% lower over the last five years.

Women are accessing the game in a variety of formats, the top five most popular games of poker participated in by women include:

  1. Casual games with friends and family – 48% (vs. 54% men)
  2. Online cash games – 33% (vs. 35% men)
  3. Organised cash games – 27% (vs. 32% men)
  4. Live buy in tournaments – 26% (vs. 27% men)
  5. Free mobile applications – 25% (vs. 27% men)

The increase in the number of women playing poker can be attributed to a variety of reasons. Around 58% of women stated they started playing poker due to the social element of the game, while 37% of women claimed they play because it is easy to learn. While 31% of women surveyed have never played in a competitive format, 33% of women opted to play poker as they believed it was easy to consistently win money.